Blog Guten Pro - Gutenberg WordPress Blog Theme

‘Blog Guten Pro’ is a premium version of our free WordPress theme ‘Blog Guten’. This theme is extremely easy-to-use and completely responsive. It works perfectly on any device like mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop.

You should consider upgrading to ‘Blog Guten Pro’ if you want to:

About this theme:

This is a premium version of our popular WordPress theme ‘Blog Guten’. If you are already using our free WordPress theme, you should definitely consider upgrading to ‘Blog Guten Pro’.

You can easily import the demo content when you upgrade to the premium version. This will make it easy for you to create blog posts which look professional.

With the premium version, you get more features with a quicker & deeper professional technical support.

We have made the theme fully compatible so that it can work well with any advanced plugin. The theme is extremely well-coded and thoroughly reviewed for experienced theme reviewers.

With premium version of the theme, you can take blogging website to the next level. You can improve your blog’s speed and performance. Your blog can be further optimized for better search engine ranking.

We are trusted author on We design & develop only high standard professional WordPress themes & plugins.

Blog Guten (Free) Blog Guten Pro
Fully Responsive - Works well on all devices.
Easy Customization - Customize your website easily with live preview.
Gutenberg Ready - Use WordPress's new default block editor easily.
Cover Section - Add welcome message or important information on landing page.
Import Demo Content - Import demo content easily & quickly when you upgrade to pro.
Featured Posts - Add featured posts at the top of home page to get more traffic.
Advanced Customization - Get more options to customize your website easily.
More Color Schemes - Get more options to choose color schemes for your blog.
Typography Options - More options for "Google Font" combinations.
Footer Widgets - Add widgets to the footer area for better conversion rate.
Remove Footer Branding - Brand your website with your company name.
Quicker Support - Reach out to us for all of your WordPress questions.
Advanced Tips - Get tips & tricks to improve your website & generate more business.

Why should you consider upgrading to pro?

With the premium version, you get more premium features with professional technical support. You can also improve your website’s speed & performance

Your website can be further optimized for better search engine ranking.

Import demo content in few clicks

When you upgrade to ‘Blog Guten Pro’, you can import the demo content easily. Your website will look exactly the same as you see on blog-guten-pro.

This will make it easy for you to understand how we have created this demo site. You can edit these imported pages/posts with your content. You can also create your own pages/posts by learning from this imported demo content.

Get more color options to choose from

In the free version of the ‘Blog Guten’, you get only 3 options to choose the color style of the theme. But in the pro version, you will get more than 10 color styles. 

You can choose which one you want. Our professional designers have chosen the perfect color combination that suits professional blog.

Choose fonts separately from multiple options

In the free version of ‘Blog Guten’, you can’t choose fonts separately. We have given only 3 options to choose the style of the theme where fonts change along with colors.

In pro version of the theme, you can choose fonts separately. Also, you get more than 10 options to choose typography for your blog.

Add featured posts on the homepage

Make your blog more professional with featured posts/pages on the homepage. You can select upto 3 featured posts that will be displayed on your homepage below the cover section.

These featured posts give more visibility to important posts & pages. This increases the user experience on your blog and helps you reduce the bounce rate.

Featured posts help you increase the user interaction and user engagement on your blog. Your users look to find the useful information on your website. You can direct them to the right place easily with the help of these featured posts/pages.

Remove branding link from the footer

With pro version of the theme, you can remove the theme branding link from your blog. You can replace this text with whatever you want. 

We have added a theme option in customizer to change this text. You can add your own copyright text here.

Add widgets in the footer area

‘Blog Guten Pro’ gives you freedom to add widgets in the footer. Three column layout is designed and developed for professional looking blog footer. You can add multiple widgets in every column. You can also change the background color on the footer.

Make your blog more search engine friendly

We have made the pro version more search engine friendly. It suggests you SEO plugins which integrate well with the theme. Your website will get ranked better with ‘Blog Guten Pro’.

Optimize your blogging website for better speed

With pro version of the theme, we help you optimise your blog/website. Our suggestions for speed optimization along with the pro version of theme, will make your website faster. It will take lesser time to load your website.

Quicker & professional support

When you upgrade to ‘Blog Guten Pro’, you get free WordPress professional support. You can reach out to us in case of any WordPress queries. 

Though this support does not include custom development, we help you resolve your WordPress setup issues. This support includes not just theme related queries but also general WordPress setup issues.

More theme customization options

With premium version, you get more customization theme options. You get additional theme settings like the container width, cover section height, cover background color, footer background color, theme fonts, etc. 

We also make it easy to use customizer settings by segmenting settings in different panels.

By the Trusted WordPress author

This theme is designed & developed by a team of professional designers & WordPress developers. We are a trusted author on 

Our different WordPress themes are used by more than 5,000 users. We have been awarded several times for our web designs, development & professional support.

Small investment for your professional blog

The best part of the pro version is that it does not cost too much. You get a lot more in the pro theme along with the professional support for very small cost. 

You can purchase ‘Blog Guten Pro’ just for $59.99. You get a theme license for 1 year of support & theme updates in this small cost. You can also purchase theme along with lifetime license for the theme along with support & updates for only $129.99.