Gallery blocks have two settings: the number of columns, and whether or not images should be cropped. The default number of columns is three, and the maximum number of columns is eight.
Some more text for taking up space.
A two column gallery, aligned to the left.
In the editor, the image captions can be edited directly by clicking on the text.
If the number of images cannot be divided into the number of columns you have selected, the default is to have the last image(s) automatically stretch to the width of your gallery.
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Sea cibo inani detracto ei. Libris petentium ex pri, no vim tale audiam vulputate, melius neglegentur an eum. Te commodo laboramus.
A nice looking gallery with amazing layout with mix of vertical & horizontal images. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cetero oporteat dignissim in eam, vitae integre scribentur vim an, quo quas summo doctus et. Ei ceteros epicurei imperdiet est. No mel facer nullam nemore, te ius timeam fastidii, vivendum lucilius mnesarchum cu mel.
A five column gallery with normal images:
This is the same gallery, but with cropped images.
Six columns: does it work at all window sizes?
Eight columns: